We Recycle Program
What is Recyclable on Campus?
4 Common Things: But That’s Currently It! (as of Apr. 2022)
Paper – Office paper, newspaper, magazines, junk mail
Cardboard – Clean and flattened
Plastic containers - empty bottles, jugs, tubs and cups: Rinsed if possible, ALWAYS put the lid/cap back on
Metal cans – Aluminum or steel (clean aluminum foil/pans also acceptable but must be clean)
If I'm not sure, should i try to recycle it?
Even one item considered a contaminant (something that is not recyclable per Waste Management) can cause the entire load to go to the landfill. There are items outside of those listed above that can be recycled but only via alternate methods, see Other Ways to Recycle further down.
Not Recyclable / Throw It Out (On Campus)
Food – or containers that have food remnants, any recycled containers must be clean
Keep it ick free! Rinsed is best but scraped out at a minimum
Plastic Bags – never bag your recyclables, it will contaminate the whole bin (Publix accepts them, see Other Ways to Recycle below)
Plastic wrap/film – grocery bags, trash bags, cling wrap, Ziplock, package wrapping, etc
Glass – bottles, bulbs, ceramics, windows, mirrors, etc
Styrofoam – cups, to go boxes, egg cartons, packing peanuts, etc (see other ways to recycle)
Coffee Cups: clear iced cups can be recycled vs hot cups (paper or styrofoam) are trash
Pizza Boxes – grease residue means trash (if the top is clean, separate and recycle)
Plastic straws and utensils
Napkins and Paper Towels – trash, the cardboard roll core is recyclable
Paper Plates
Wax coated paper/cardboard – hot coffee cups, cardboard cartons that hold liquid (OJ, milk, stock)
Clothes Hangers – plastic or metal, they get stuck in machinery
Books – not recyclable, consider donating
Hoses and String Lights
Who handles Florida Tech’s recycling?
Facilities Operations coordinates recycling on campus with our custodial services provider, National Management Resources. National performs the physical collection of the items and places them into Waste Management dumpsters and receptacles.
Why isn’t glass recyclable anymore?
Waste Management made the decision a few years ago to remove glass from commercial recycling programs. Glass markets have been shrinking over time as more products shift to plastic and aluminum. In addition, in many parts of the country there are no glass markets within a 300-mile radius. Location is necessary for economical transportation. Also, glass can actually contaminate items such as cardboard, which does have high-demand end markets.
Why can I still recycle everything at my house (or apartment), but not on campus?
Waste Management has a different set of rules for residential collection and commercial collection of recyclables.
Recycling Other Materials
Florida Tech has made arrangements with local recyclers to handle the following items. Please take note of the various materials and recycling locations and help us in our effort to make this program a success and handle specialized waste safely and properly.
Aerosol Cans:
If it is a household aerosol for food or hair care please make sure it is empty and deposit in the Single-Stream Recycling Containers. For all other Aerosol Cans – these are considered Hazardous Waste - please bring to the east end of the Engineering Machine Shop (Building #538), please deposit in the brown “Aerosol Cans Only” drop box. You can also send an email for pick-up to hazwaste@ashtech-oem.com.
Contaminated Glass:
We now have in place systems for the recycling of contaminated metals and laboratory glass. If any laboratories have recycling questions or issues they should contact the Environmental Health & Safety Department (EHS) via email at hazwaste@ashtech-oem.com.
Batteries (Lithium, Magnesium, Mercury, Nickel Cadmium, Lead Acid):
These are considered Hazardous Waste. They can be brought to Shipping and Receiving or to the east end of the Engineering Machine Shop (Building #538), please deposit in the green “Batteries Only” drop box. You can also send an email for pick-up to hazwaste@ashtech-oem.com. ONLY alkaline and zinc carbon batteries can be safely disposed in regular trash.
Batteries (Car and Boat):
These are considered Hazardous Waste, please bring to the east end of the Engineering Machine Shop (Building #538), please deposit near the green “Batteries Only” drop box. Please also send an email notification of drop-off to hazwaste@ashtech-oem.com.
Books (Both Hard Cover & Soft Cover):
Books can be placed in the Single Stream Recycling Containers. Consider contacting the Evans Library or Goodwill to donate the books.
Electronic Waste (Personal Computers, Cell Phones, Monitors & Printers and other Electronic Equipment):
Electronic waste should be brought to Shipping & Receiving between the hours of 9:00 am and 3:00 pm. For all Florida Tech owned/issued items, please contact IT (321-674-7999) for proper decommissioning and recycling.
Plastic Bags and Styrofoam:
Publix has specialty recycling containers out front for plastic bags and product wrapping as well as clean styrofoam takeout trays, cups, and egg cartons.
Leave Green Program
Florida Tech ResLife created a program that has made arrangements with local Charities to provide pick-up at the end of Semester move-out. These include Goodwill Industries (321-953-8090), the Salvation Army (321-242-8394), and the South Brevard Sharing Center (321-727-8581). For other times of the year, we encourage you to contact them to arrange for pick-up (larger items) or to bring the items directly to their location or local drop-off boxes.
For additional information or to arrange for large items or items not listed above to be picked up for recycling, please contact Facilities Operations (321) 674-8038. For materials that you are unsure of (such as in unlabeled containers), please contact the Florida Tech Environmental Health & Safety Department via email at hazwaste@ashtech-oem.com
If you have questions about our waste and recycling processes please contact Facilities Operations at (321) 674-8038 or facilities@ashtech-oem.com