Venue Usage
Effective Date Apr 9, 2008
I. Purpose
The primary purpose of venue usage at Florida Institute of Technology is to serve the University’s academic and operational activities. Venues are inclusive of but not limited to: classrooms, conference rooms, auditoriums, gymnasiums, outdoor areas, banquet facilities, residence halls, and common spaces.
Activities will be scheduled in keeping with the University’s mission as a student-centered university focused on education and community outreach programs. The focus of activities at Florida Institute of Technology is directed toward its students, faculty, and staff. Florida Institute of Technology requires reimbursement for all direct costs incurred for venue use. Direct expenses include, but are not limited to, costs incurred as a result of occupancy beyond regular hours, audio-visual requirements, housekeeping, personnel required to service an event, setups, special equipment, police, parking, and technical support.
Venue rental charges cover the indirect costs including utilities and the maintenance of University facilities.
II. Use of Facilities
The use of University venues for scheduled academic instructional and research purposes, and athletic events and practices, will take precedence over all other uses of such space. Scheduled instruction/research will not be displaced without the expressed approval of the President or the President's authorized designee.
Internal University organizations are not permitted to negotiate the use of multiple University facilities or services with external organizations except in coordination with Conference Services and Events. All facilities belong to the University to meet varied objectives, and no given venue is outright owned by an academic or administrative unit and as such cannot be sub-let by an academic or administrative unit. This includes classrooms, auditoriums, science labs, and conference rooms.
III. Users Definitions
A. University Academic Activities:
These are activities directly related to the instructional mission of the University. Examples include: credit-bearing classes and programmatic activities resulting from academic course work and faculty/administrative departmental meetings.
Activities that fall under this category are exempt from event-related fees except for any catering, security, staff overtime, or special equipment-related costs.
B. University-Sponsored Events:
These are activities organized and run by faculty, staff, administrative offices, departments, and approved student organizations that are planned primarily for members of the Florida Tech community and/or the benefit of the University. Examples include: athletics events, recreational activities, student programming activities, concerts, faculty and staff development, commencement, open houses held by individual departments, etc. It is recognized that members of the community, faculty, staff, students, guests and alumni may attend these events.
Activities that fall under this category are exempt from event-related fees except for any catering, security, staff overtime, or special equipment-related costs.
C. University Co-Sponsored (Partnership) Events:
These are academic programs, conferences, retreats and/or meetings involving two entities: a University entity (academic department, administrative unit, approved student organization) and an outside organization such as a professional association in which the University holds membership or maintains a relationship that directly benefits the University community or community-based organization. University Co-Sponsored events will, in general, involve a contractual arrangement with the University.
Activities that fall in this category will be assessed discounted event-related fees of one-half (50%) off the standard non-profit rates for venue rental only (all direct fees are the responsibility of the User). The standard non-profit rates may include facility rental, catering, security, staff overtime, or special event-related costs. In order to minimize liability, the partnering outside organization is required to sign a facility usage agreement outlining the terms for use of university venues and provide proof of liability insurance as outlined in the terms of the facility usage agreement.
The following criteria must be met in order for an event to be considered a Partnership/Co-Sponsored event:
- The outside organization does not have any revenue-generating interest in the partnership/co-sponsorship; if so, then the non-university / external event rate will apply.
- If an admission fee is charged for the program, the non-university / external event rate will apply.
- The appropriate University officer with the authority to commit the department’s financial resources has authorized the program in writing to Conference Services and Events (email is acceptable). For events paid for by the outside organization, the non-university / external event rate will apply.
- A member of The University’s academic or administrative unit must be designated as the “University Host.” This individual must be designated a minimum of 10 working days in advance of the activity, and is responsible for:
- Assistance in planning the program and preparing a budget that details expenses and revenue;
- Completing the online Facilities Reservation Form at and confirming venue availability;
- Attending the event in its entirety to ensure that it is conducted in accordance with University policies and safe/proper use of facilities. Failure to attend the program by the University Host may prohibit the approval of future scheduling privileges.
- Should the University incur any fiscal liability associated with a program co-sponsored by a University department in partnership with an outside organization, the ultimate responsibility for the event, and all liability for any personal injury or property damage resulting from the event, will be the sole responsibility of the External Organization.
D. Non-University/External Events:
These are programs and activities organized by individuals, groups, businesses, or organizations not included in the organizational structure of the University. Examples include: weddings, receptions, charity events, corporate meetings and events, seminars, conferences, social activities, etc.
Activities that fall in this category are responsible for full event-related fees including facility rental, staff overtime, catering, security, or special event-related costs. Fees will vary depending upon the nature of the event, if it is for-profit or non-profit, as listed on the approved rental rates sheet for the University. Non-University/External Events require a contractual arrangement with the University. Additionally, the University requires proof of general liability insurance in the amount of one-million dollars and worker’s compensation at the statutory limits. If alcoholic beverages are to be served, an additional liquor liability policy in the amount of two-million dollars in required. All proof of insurance must be filed with Conference Services and Events a minimum of 10 business days prior to the event.