The Florida Tech Women’s Council is comprised of three committees designed to support women in three key areas: (1) Professional Development, (2) Educational Outreach, (3) Policy Advocacy.
Professional Development Committee
The goal of the Professional Development Committee is to provide women faculty and staff with knowledge, tools, and networking opportunities to assist in career development at Florida Tech and beyond. Our efforts have included hosting regular lunch-and-learn meetings including a Jeopardy-Style event: “What is Advancing Your Academic Career?”, "Speed Mentoring", and "Life Hack for Working Women". We also host a reception each year to welcome new women faculty to the Florida Tech Family.
Want to find out more or get involved in the Women’s Council Professional Development Committee?
Contact one of the Professional Development Committee Co-Chairs
- Munevver Subasi (Co-Chair)
Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Dr. Subasi's Faculty Profile - Meredith Carroll (Co-Chair)
Professor, Aviation Human Factors
Dr. Carroll's Faculty Profile
Education Outreach Committee
The goal of the educational outreach committee is to engage student women through mentorship, role-modeling and preparation for STEM Careers. Our efforts include outreach to both Florida Tech students as well as local K-12 schools.
We host Women in STEM events each semester, including mentoring opportunities with local industry professionals. We also offer the Girls in Science, Engineering and Math (GEMS) Summer Camp, which has been partially funded by Collins Aerospace, and the “GEMS and GE” camp which has been fully funded by GE Melbourne.
We also collaborate with the FIT Science Bus Team, which has a refurbished recreational vehicle filled with microscopes, computers, water quality instrumentation, a meteorological station and other equipment. The Science Bus visits Girls STEM Clubs throughout Brevard County to disseminate information to the community about important Indian River Lagoon topics.
Our faculty are also actively involved in the Engineering Senior Design Showcase to support and study student women in these endeavors. We also have a Girls in STEM living-learning community at Florida Tech, in which student women live, work and play with other women pursing studies in STEM fields.
Want to find out more or get involved in the Women’s Council Educational Outreach Committee?
Contact the Educational Outreach Committee Chair
- Kelli Hunsucker (Chair)
Assistant Professor, Oceanography,
Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences -
- (321) 674-8437
- Dr. Hunsucker's Faculty Profile
Policy Advocacy Committee
The goal of the policy advocacy committee is to promote the physical, material and psychological well-being of women faculty and staff at Florida Tech. Topics of interest to the committee include work-life balance, parental leave, pay equity, flexible work schedules, child care, sexual harassment, spousal support and bias training. Our efforts have included development of a Diverse Faculty Search Committee Toolkit, to increase the opportunities for recruitment and hiring of qualified and diverse faculty, conduct of a study on pay equity at Florida Tech, and input to the Parental Leave Policy .
Want to find out more or get involved in the Women’s Council Policy Advocacy Committee?
Contact the Policy Advocacy Committee Chair
- Darby Proctor (Chair)
Associate Professor, Psychology
(321) 674-7613
Dr. Proctor's Faculty Profile